Friday, March 4, 2011

Watch Out for Elder Abuse-(Here is a Common Example)

Actor Mickey Rooney has been the alleged victim of elder abuse at the hands of his own stepkids, according to the restraining orders filed Monday.  The 90-year-old actor, who, born in vaudeville has had one of the longest careers of any actor, was granted court protection from stepson Chris Aber and his stepdaughter Christina Aber, after he filed a case against them charging verbal, emotional and financial abuse, and for denying him such basic necessities as food and medicine.  The court documents say that both Chris and Christina Aber have been keeping Rooney as “effectively a prisoner in his own home: through the use of threats, intimidation and harassment.  Chris Aber has also been accused of taking control over Rooney’s finances, blocking access to his mail and forcing the actor into performances he does not whish to do.  With the assistance of attorneys Bruce Roth and Vivian Thoreen of Holland & Knight LLP, Rooney sought and was granted temporary protection for not only himself but for his wife, Jan Rooney, and his stepson, Mark Rooney, who lives with the actor.  Rooney fears for their safety and is worried Chris and Christina Aber might retaliate in a physically abusive way, or try to kidnap the actor now that the case has been filed, court documents say.  “All I want to do is live a peaceful life, to regain my life and be happy,” Rooney wrote in a statement to his fans.  “I pray to God each day to protect us, help us endure and guide those other senior citizens who are also suffering.”  
This is an excerpt I read provided by the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys.  The original source is CBS News (February 16, 2011).  The full story can be read at http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-20032204-504083.html?tag=mncol;lst;4


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